Use case

Lavendel hospital


Goal-oriented supervision helped us reduce aggressive behavior in dementia by 55%
Geri Long
Section leader

Meet section leader Geri

The story is about how Geri used goal-oriented supervision and certificates to reduce medication use and reduce sick leave.

Geri is the section leader at Lavendel Hospital. Geri is especially proud of its specialist outpatient clinic for dementia. There, they carry out investigations in case of suspected dementia. He has been a section leader there for 3 years.

Key Numbers

70 %

Experienced dividends

10 %

Reduced employee turnover

30 %

Reduction in aggressive patients

Sick leave and medication

Geri finds it challenging that patients act a lot and that they have to give a lot of medication due to acting out. It is also particularly challenging that sickness absence has begun to increase significantly in his section.


Employees give feedback that they are insecure at work. Geri knows that sickness absence has started to increase because patients have started to act a lot. He also knows that patients do not act as much when a few employees approach them – they have a calmer approach. He hypothesizes that if all employees get a good approach, then the patients will not act as much. Then they will not have to give out so much sedative medicine.

Certificates of competence in dementia

The section leader wants the employees to have time to learn from each other – they will do so with the help of peer-it’s measures for goal-oriented supervision and certificates.

Geri chose this measure because he wants to introduce certificates in dementia. The employees must have the right skills when working with dementia. Therefore, certificates can help motivate them to become good. They get a platform and room for development. At the same time, employees become more aware of what is required of them.

The technology will help them follow each other up. It will also help him with the plan. Since Geri has never tried goal-oriented supervision before, it is important that the solution supports and helps them along the way.


This is how they earn the certificates

The section is based on the Directorate of Health’s requirements for competence in dementia. This is what supervision is about. In the app, Geri plans for the employees to take turns guiding each other. All employees at the department must participate, half must be supervisors and half must learn. After six months, they change roles.

First, the employees use the form in the app to reflect on their own competence in dementia. The mentors use the form in the app for observation, to gain a better understanding of the colleague’s procedures. The mentor and the mentee make a plan together for how the mentee should raise the competence in selected areas.

The employees receive good follow-ups from the mentors. At first, they think it was a little scary to be observed, but when they first started they thought it was very useful to have room to talk about subjects. Here, no one judges each other, only colleagues who want to help each other with development.

Less acting, and medication after the certificates

A year later, everyone at the specialist outpatient clinic has been both a mentor and mentee. The employees have submitted an evaluation form. There they state that they experience great benefit from the mentoring. The department head and the section leader are very satisfied.

Patients act less and there is less need to give medication in connection with acting out. The employees are confident in their approach and sickness absence has decreased significantly.


The employees ask each other more for help or tips. Furthermore, they help each other more and have a greater understanding of each other’s situation. Geri is so pleased with the result that he wants all new employees and substitutes to also gain certificates in dementia.

Explore the supervision software

You can read more about the solution Geri used at Lavendel hospital. Goal-oriented supervision can be combined with other solutions peer-it has.

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