Use case
Linis nursing home
- Solution used: Supervision for new employees
- Company size: 142 employees
Meet department manager Nora
This story is about Nora, head of the department at Lini’s nursing home. Nora experienced a lot of burnout in the ward as a result of time pressure and a large amount of work. The story will give you insight into how Nora solved the problems of time pressure and workload with a new measure for the supervision of new employees.
Nora is the department head for a department with many demented and multi-sick elderly people. For 6 years she has worked as a department manager. There she is responsible for doctors, nurses, health professionals, physiotherapists, students, assistants, and managers.
Key Numbers
Experienced dividends
Reduced employee turnover
Increased patient well-being
Burnout, time pressure and few employees
The employees at Nora’s department do not feel that they have enough time. Nora sees that the stabs ‘hectic everyday lives affect patients’ well-being. The nurses and doctors work hard to keep the nursing home running, but more are burnt out, sick leave is high and some choose to quit.
There are several reasons why the nursing home is in a time crunch, but first and foremost the employees feel that they are too few. For the workers, this means poorer working conditions in the form of short breaks, as well as long, hectic days. The patients, on the other hand, experience that the staff have a bad time and do not feel that they receive the follow-up they need. Although Nora has received approval for new hires, the budget does not allow room to hire as many as they would like.
Nora's solution: Supervision of new employees
Nora sees that she has challenges to solve, and is initiating measures with peer-it’s service for supervision of new employees. Although some people get into work quickly, this does not apply to everyone. Nora has previously experienced that new employees can spend a long time getting into work and that insufficient training can go beyond the patients.
Effective and good training of the new employees is critical. The department head sees a need for the nurses to be more involved in defining what the training should consist of. It is the nurses themselves who know best what is needed by the new nurses. Therefore, their involvement will ensure that the new employees are quickly integrated into the job.
Because they have a hectic working day, Nora knows that the measure must be adapted to the nurses’ everyday life for it to be feasible. Thus, the mentors and the new employee must be able to decide the time and place for the supervision. At the same time, Nora will decide on overall guidelines, such as who are the mentors and the number of mentoring hours
How is peer-it's measure the supervision of new employees?
Nora uses peer-it’s solutions for planning, implementation, follow-up, and evaluation. She makes the plan together with the nurse Mari Teige. She will be one of the mentors. The reason why Nora involves Mari early is to ensure that the training meets the mentors’ needs and is close to practice.
Peer-its solution involves tools that enable employees to get the information they need at all times. In addition, the peer-it department supports digital in the training of new employees. Nora defines together with the supervisors what the new employees should be able to do. For example, practical tasks such as fire protection and technical equipment. Furthermore, they also define patient-related tasks that new employees must master early. For example, patient care.
The mentors and the new employees complete both supervision hours individually and in groups. The app means that they always know what to do under supervision. Digital features in the app such as calendar, notifications, and video meetings make planning and implementation efficient. The supervision can thus be adapted to their everyday work.
Increased well-being among patients, new employees, and existing employees
After using Peer-it’s solutions for one year, Nora receives positive feedback from its employees, managers, and colleagues. Several of the new employees thrive at Lini’s nursing home. They are well-integrated, and everyday work in the department is improved after successful training.
The training program has changed a lot since they started with Peer-it. The employees are more involved and contribute to user input in the training of new nurses. New nurses report that they have easier access to other employees’ experiences and input, which has been crucial for their own learning.
All employees greatly appreciate the flexibility to choose when and where the supervision will take place. They say that it is easier to adapt the training to the individual new employee and their own working day. In the past, it has been difficult to plan due to an unpredictable everyday life.
After Nora’s department started with Peer-it, the nursing home has implemented the same solution in other departments. Both patient and employee well-being have increased as a result of the measure Nora initiated. Peer-it has now become routine in training new employees at Lini’s nursing home.