Digital mentoring platform

Peer-it provides PIA – a complete service for supervision. Many people struggle with time and quality in supervision. PIA’s system has structure and tools so you can focus on what is important to you.

PIA gives you access to a tailored, role based platform that allows you to shape the mentoring process to your organization. You can easily plan and structure professional content to be included in the mentoring process. Adapt it to your needs to ensure every employee receives their deserved professional development.

PIA is not just for employees – we also give management insight into workers’ progress and performance through thorough analysis and progress reports. You will be able to map your teams’ competency level and discover the potential in every employee.

Welcome to Peer-it's digital platform – PIA

PIA is your ultimate partner to strenghten organizational development and education of employees through a streamlined mentoring process. We understand the importance of maintaining a strong og knowledgeable work environment. We have therefore created PIA as your versatile mentoring tool.

Harness the opportunities presented by a digital platform

With a digital platform, facilitating guidance becomes more streamlined. The platform provides structure and ensures an efficient process for participants.

Indeed, it is possible to conduct guidance using pen and paper. However, a digital service enables the utilization of a range of features that simplify the execution. In a busy routine, this could suffice to achieve the desired outcomes.

Choose from multiple services

Goal-oriented peer mentoring is based on the current situation and future goals. Monitor progress in real-time and receive customized reports with statistics and analysis.

A digital mentoring service that is rooted in employees’ situations. The purpose here is to debrief and learn from previous scenarios.

Mentoring service that assists in efficiently integrating and socializing new employees. Establish a structured system for mentoring new hires.

One platform for all your mentoring needs

Digital responsive forms

With PIA – the digital mentoring platform – you gain access to responsive forms that actively assist you in planning, conducting, and evaluating mentoring.

Streamlines mentoring and saves time

Eliminate paper and make mentoring digital as well. PIA structures the entire mentoring process, enabling time management, information sharing, and digital meetings. PIA makes it easier to allocate time for mentoring within a busy daily schedule.

Ensures quality in change and development

Choose from multiple services to find the method that best suits your workplace. PIA implements mentoring methodologies in an intuitive manner, allowing you to focus time and resources on execution rather than organization. Additionally, there is an associated knowledge base with supplementary information.

Integrate VR, video, and other resources

PIA functions in conjunction with other learning resources. Incorporate VR, e-learning, instructional videos, or other educational content alongside PIA.

Utforsk mer om mulighetene med veiledningsplattformen PIA

digital helsekompetanse

Efficient implementation of welfare technology

Systematic guidance ensures that superusers follow up with employees to enable them to use, utilize, and provide guidance in the technology.

Mitigate employee burnout through debriefing

Employees facing intense situations often need to debrief those situations together with others. This can aid in managing a challenging work environment effectively.

Implementation of new knowledge-based practice

PIA systematizes the implementation of new knowledge-based practices, whether it involves learning plans, new guidelines, or other changing practices.

samarbeid veiledning

Engage individuals to achieve success in transformation

PIA provides the opportunity to involve people early on. Digital transformation is 20% technology and 80% people.

Initiate the change today with Peer-it

Learning, problem-solving and development.


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Takk for at du viser interesse for PIA

Demonstrasjon av PIA

Planmal for veiledning av nyutdannede

Malen kan du endre, slette og legge til etter ditt formål. Det inkluderer seksjoner som bakgrunn for veiledningen, mål med veiledningen og sammensetningen av veiledningspar som alle er viktige felt når du planlegger veiledning for dine nyutdannede. Malen kan også brukes om andre nyansatte som ikke er nyutdannede.

Forskning innen veiledning?

Vi har gått igjennom litteratur innen veiledning og laget en oversikt til deg. I litteraturgjennomgangen finner du forskning når det kommer til kvalitet på veiledning. Hva det vil innebære ha ha god veiledning.


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